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Awareness Benefiting Leadership and Employees about Disabilities aims to promote and affirm an inclusive campus environment for persons with disabilities at Boston College while providing social and professional awareness opportunities for all faculty, staff, and administrators.
Learn how we help provide Reasonable Accommodation for People with Disabilities
Access the BC Faculty Handbook, BC Legal Notices, and BC Bylaws and Statutes.
The Ambassador Program supports new managers by matching them with seasoned leaders who serve as mentors, helping them navigate BC's work culture.
Promotes the welfare and interests of Asian/Pacific Islander Employees at Boston College through meetings and the sponsorship of events that enhance the work environment and educate others about the incredible richness and diversity of API cultures.
BC 101 provides new employees with an opportunity to hear from University leaders while networking with colleagues from across campus.
Karen Cristello, Director
Boston College operates two children's centers. The BC Children's Center: Main Campus provides a high-quality preschool curriculum and extended daycare for children of faculty, employees, and graduate and undergraduate students. When available, spaces are also offered to neighborhood residents. The BC Children's Center: Brookline Campus is located just off Route 9 in Chestnut Hill, MA. and offers high quality childcare, preschool and pre-k programs to families in the surrounding areas.
Campus Amenities
Diversity & Inclusion
Office of Institutional Diversity
Services for People with Disabilities
Faith & Spirituality
Church in the 21st Century Center - C21
Ignatian Spirituality Programs
Safety & Security
Boston College Police Department - BCPD
Boston College offers employees a range of facilities, services, and other resources aimed at providing opportunities for recreation, learning, and social interaction; and at promoting health and welfare. The following sections describe many of the resources available on campus for the convenience of Boston College employees.
The Black Faculty, Staff, and Administrators Association (BFSAA) promotes the interests, welfare, and advancement of people of color on campus and also hosts meetings and events for fellowship, dialogue, and debate.
Manages the range of medical, dental, vision, and other benefits offered to Boston College employees.
- The report contains statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus and on public property immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.
- The report also incorporates institutional policies concerning campus security, including Reporting of Crimes and Other Emergencies, Safety Notification Procedure, Campus Law Enforcement, and Campus Sexual Assault Program; information regarding the available educational programs that address campus security procedures and practices, crime prevention; information regarding drug and alcohol policies; and other matters.
Campus Security and Fire Safety Report
To request a copy of the report, please call the Department of Human Resources at 617-552-3330, or send your request in writing to:
Boston College
Department of Human Resources
129 Lake Street
140 Commonwealth Avenue
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467-3809
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act requires the annual disclosure of certain crime statistics as well as institutional policies regarding campus security. An annual security report made available to prospective employees containing statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on or near campus.
Members share information, resources, and personal experiences with an emphasis on wellness within a confidential and supportive environment.
Join your fellow BC employees in a walk for one of many great causes. Past walks include Project Bread’s Walk for Hunger & 5K Run and the AIDS Walk and Run Boston.
Financial Planning Subsidy Form
Credentials, Licenses, and Education
The person should have a four-year degree, preferably in a finance-related field. Many individuals have moved into a financial planning specialty after first training as accountants or lawyers.
There are two certificates that indicate specific training in the field of financial planning:
- Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
- Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC)
Look for someone with solid experience (at least five years, preferably more) in the financial planning field, or at the very least with strong experience in the related fields of insurance or securities. You should probably look beyond someone who has recently moved into the field after making a career change. The person you choose should have a good knowledge of tax laws, the financial products available on the market place today (not just the ones your planner may sell), retirement plan options, and a broad spectrum of investments in general.
Financial planners are paid in one of three ways:
- A flat fee is charged, based on the client's needs.
- Commissions are earned from the products they sell.
- A combination of both.
You should know in advance how your financial planner is to be compensated. Sometimes a flat-fee arrangement may be the most expensive. However, you need to know how much of a planner's compensation is to be derived from products you buy in order to decide whether it is better to buy the product carrying a commission or to pay a flat fee to the planner. Also, it is important to remember that the potential for a conflict of interest is greater if the fee is commission driven.
Don't hesitate to request the names of several clients, both long term and short term. Then call the references and ask how satisfied they were with the financial planner's work.
Financial planning is a broad field, and not all planners are qualified in all areas. Try to be sure that the planner you are choosing is knowledgeable in the areas in which you are interested (e.g., estate planning, investment management, overall financial planning, and so on).
While the Benefits Office is not prepared to recommend specific financial planners, the following comments are intended to provide some guidance to employees who are seeking financial planning services.
Updating Your Information in the Communications Directory
Please note:
- Employees should review their contact information and privacy preferences. Employees can view and change their personal information in Agora Portal.
- Contact your Technology Consultant for assistance.
- Employees who do not wish to receive a paper copy of the Communications Directory may opt out by using the My Services page in Agora.
The Boston College Communications Directory is printed each fall. Employees should review their information for accuracy. Directory information is also available through Agora Portal. Employees can opt out of receiving the printed directory.
Attracts and retains qualified talent by:
- Designing and administering performance management programs based on University core competencies
- Implementing competitive market analyses
- Conducting job analysis and staff position classification
- Consulting on organizational and job design
What is Boston College's pay philosophy?
BC's pay philosophy targets the mean of the defined competition.
What is the current Minimum Wage?
The Massachusetts Minimum Wage is currently $12.00/hour, effective January 1, 2019.
When do I get paid?
Members of the professional administrative staff are paid on the 16th of the month for work performed that month (except in cases where the 16th falls on a Saturday or Sunday, at which time payments are made on the Friday prior to the 16th). Office, clerical and service staff are paid on the last working day of the week for work performed the previous week.
What is a Market Reference Point (MRP)?
A "Market Reference Point" (MRP) is assigned to each position. It is derived from the average actual paid salary in the external labor market according to salary survey data or, if benchmark data is not available, on comparisons with benchmarked positions.
How are salary ranges determined?
Each position has a salary range based on its MRP. The salary range for each position can be calculated by multiplying the MRP by 80% to arrive at the range minimum and by 120% to arrive at the range maximum. For example: Position X has an MRP of $40,000:
Minimum of salary range = $40,000 * .80 = $32,000
Maximum of salary range = $40,000 * 1.20 = $48,000
The salary range is then $32,000 to $48,000.
How can I find out the MRP for my position?
You may contact the Compensation Office.
How are hiring ranges determined?
The hiring range, for job posting purposes, is the range minimum to the MRP. In the example above, the hiring range would be $32,000 - $40,000.
How are starting salaries for new hires determined?
The hiring department, in consultation with Human Resources, reviews the candidate's qualifications and experience and also looks at the current salaries of comparable positions to ensure internal equity.
How can I get a copy of my Role Description?
You can ask your supervisor or contact the Compensation Office for this document.
What if my Role Description isn't up-to-date?
Role Descriptions detail a position's key responsibilities. You should review your role description annually with your supervisor during your performance appraisal. If substantial changes have occurred and he/she agrees that an additional review by the Compensation Office is warranted, he/she will need to revise the role description and secure approval from the division/school head and/or division/school administrator who will forward the updated role description to the Compensation Office for review.
What is the difference between an exempt and a non-exempt position?
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) determines which positions are classified as exempt and non-exempt. An exempt position is exempt from the overtime pay provisions of the FLSA, the employee must be paid on a salaried basis, and must perform work duties that the FLSA defines as exempt based on his/her major job functions. A non-exempt position is eligible for overtime pay and the employee must be paid the prevailing minimum wage.
What happens if I work more than my normal workweek as a non-exempt employee?
Non-exempt staff are eligible for payment for extra/overtime hours worked at the request of the supervisor at times when workloads or unusual circumstances make it necessary. Whenever possible, the extra hours will be offset by allowing the employee an equivalent number of hours off during the same pay period so that the total hours worked will not exceed 40 in a week. "Compensatory time" for extra/overtime hours is not permitted to be carried over to subsequent weeks. Extra hours worked between regulary scheduled hours and 40 per week are compensated at the regular hourly rate; overtime hours beyond 40 in a week are compensated at one and one-half times the regular rate.
What is a performance appraisal?
As part of the overall Performance Management Program, the formal performance appraisal is a summary of the year-long communication between supervisor and employee. The appraisal normally occurs annually in March.
Who is eligible for a performance appraisal?
A performance appraisal should be prepared for each employee who has completed the new hire probationary period (i.e., exempt professional/administrative employees hired on or prior to December 1, and non-exempt technical, clerical, and Dining service employees hired prior to February 1) and has a scheduled review date of June 1.
When am I eligible for a performance appraisal if I recently transferred to a new department?
Employees who transferred to another department after January 1, should be reviewed by their previous supervisor. The completed appraisal document and a merit increase recommendation should then be forwarded to the employee's current supervisor.
How is a performance appraisal done?
The supervisor and the employee should jointly decide the most effective method of completing and reviewing the appraisal forms. In some instances, the supervisor may first complete the form and then give it to the employee for completion; or each may complete a separate form to be compared and discussed during the appraisal session. Appraisal tips for the supervisor and appraisal tips for the employee will assist you with preparing for a successful and productive appraisal discussion.
When should performance appraisals be completed?
They should be completed during March and April. Please see the Yearly Calendar for Implementing Performance Management in order to learn how the performance appraisal fits with the overall Performance Management Program.
The performance of new employees is reviewed at the end of the official probationary period, that is, after six months of employment for exempt employees and four months of employment for non-exempt employees. Probationary reviews provide an opportunity for the supervisor and the employee to determine the appropriateness of continued employment for the employee and to discuss performance and areas for further development.
Who is eligible for a probationary salary increase?
Exempt employees hired between December 2 and May 31 and non-exempt employees hired between February 1 and May 31 are not eligible for the annual merit review. Instead, they are eligible for a salary increment in conjunction with their probationary review.
What if I have a question that isn't listed here?
Further questions regarding general compensation practices may be directed to the Compensation Office by phone at 617-552-3184.
Information on performance appraisals, salary ranges, market pricing, market reference point (MRP), role descriptions, and pay schedule.
Crucial Conversations is a one-day program that teaches skills for communicating effectively in difficult, high-stakes, or emotional situations.
This six-session course helps participants acquire the knowledge, language, behavioral, and cultural skills necessary to navigate within a diverse and inclusive community.
The annual Diversity and Inclusion Summit is a full-day conference addressing pressing issues related to diversity and inclusion at Boston College and in the higher education field.
Healthy You's eldercare support seminars cover topics surrounding elder caregiving with a focus on providing support to the caregiver.
Boston College offers an Employee Assistance Program benefit, provided by KGA. You receive 24/7 access to a network of experts with solutions and support for busy people managing busy lives. KGA’s confidential services are available to employees and their adult household members, at no cost.
Bernard R. O'Kane, Director
Offers a range of workshops, services, and resources—some customized for departments. Helps you learn new things, improve job performance, and reach your full potential.
The information provided in this handbook applies to full-time professional/administrative staff and to full-time office/clerical and service staff. Most of the information also applies to part-time staff working at least 20 hours per week.
Employee Relations handles employee complaints while helping employees navigate changes and resolve conflicts. We also provide managers with resources and support. Managers should first contact their HR Liaison within their department for guidance. If your department Liaison is not available, you may contact your assigned HR Officer.
Oversees issues related to harassment, discrimination, and the Americans With Disabilities Act.
Q: Where do managers find support when working through an Employee Relations/Performance issue?
A: Managers should first contact their HR Liaison/Associate Dean, Finance & Administration within their department for guidance. If your HR Liaison/Associate Dean, Finance & Administration is not available, you may contact your assigned HR Officer.
Q: How do I know which HR Officer supports my department/unit?
Contact Employment at 617-552-3330 or review the list of contacts.
Internal Employment Office Contacts
Q: What should a manager do if an employee is injured on the job?
The manager will complete an accident/injury report and forward it to the Risk Management department within 24 hours. A Workers’ Compensation claim cannot be processed without the accident/injury report. If the employee returns to work within two days, a return-to-work note is not required. If the employee is out of work for more than two days, she/he must
Q: What should an employee do if you are injured on the job?
A: If an employee is injured on the job, you must notify your supervisor immediately.
Q: What is the process for an employee requesting an accommodation?
The manager or employee should contact the Office of Institutional Diversity and discuss the request for accommodation.
Reasonable Accommodation for People with Disabilities
Q: How may an employee review their employment file?
An employee may review his/her employee file by contacting The Human Resources Administration Office at 617-552-3330. Human Resources Administration maintains and grants access to employment records.
Q: What should an employee do if approached by the media to comment on University matters?
A: The employee should refer all inquiries to the Office of University Communications.
Q: How does a current or former employee obtain employment/income verification?
Current or former employees may contact the Human Resources Service Center for employment/income verification. HRSC contact information is 617-552-4772 or by email at
Q: Where do I get my most recent job description for my position?
We recommend that you speak with your manager to obtain a copy of the most updated job description for your position.
Information on employment verification, work injuries, and employment files.
Employment uses a myriad of recruitment strategies including an applicant tracking system (Cornerstone), niche job boards, social media, targeted advertising, engagement with passive candidates, as well as partnering with community organizations and training programs to match qualified applicants for open positions.
Employment is responsible for advertising, recruiting, and hiring for staff positions and the BC Temp Pool (Dining, Facilities, Administration), making job offers, approving postings, guiding managers with employee relations matters including corrective action, developing and providing guidance for policy interpretation and application, and termination.
I applied online and have not heard back
Please check the online employment portal for updates.
Do you have an opening?
Please review our online job postings for available positions.
Where am I in the interview process?
Our hiring process follows a standard set of steps. Please check BC Job Applicant website for updates.
What’s the pay?
Salary ranges for each position are available on the job postings website.
What are the benefits?
Benefits vary depending on the type of position (full time, part-time, temporary pool).
Learn about our hiring process, benefits, and the status of your application.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action
Lactation Support for Nursing Mothers
Office for Institutional Diversity
Expectations of Employees
Emergency Closing/Early Release
Employee Records and Information
Professional Standards and Business Conduct
Hiring and Termination
Additional Internal or External Employment
Job Openings and Position Postings Bulletin
Termination and Rehire Policies
Work Environment
Policy on Discriminatory Harassment
University Smoking Policy
This section of the Employee Handbook covers important policies at Boston College.
Designed for newly hired or promoted managers, Essentials of Management covers topics like team development, emotional intelligence, and diversity and inclusion.
The University ethics reporting hotline provides an anonymous channel for employees to facilitate reporting of possible illegal, unethical, or improper conduct when normal channels of communication are not available or are impractical under the circumstances. You can submit ananonymous report through the EthicsPoint Hotline at
Lunch & Learn Family Caregiving Seminars cover topics such as nutrition, sleep, and resilience with regard to children and adolescents. Each program will include a healthy lunch.
Form for employees to request a reasonable accomodation. Form to be completed by either victims of bias, by witnesses to such incidents, or by students, faculty and staff members to whom others have reported incident(s).
This protocol was developed to provide members of the Boston College community with information on the process for reporting a hate crime or bias-related incidents and on the resources available.
Adoption Assistance Claim Form
Adoption Leave — Primary Caregiver Affidavit
Children's Center Lottery & Waitlist Form
Dependents Life Insurance Enrollment
FACHEX Eligibility Certification
Flexible Spending Account Enrollment
Flexible Spending Reimbursement Form - Dependent Care
Includes the forms for FMLA leave requests, Flexible Spending Account enrollment and reimbursement, and dependent life insurance enrollment.
Access the HR Google Site to:
- Request access to PeopleSoft HR
- Learn more about how to use the system
Additional PeopleSoft Information
The PeopleSoft HR System integrates data and processes of the University into one unified online system. PeopleSoft HR access is given to all employees.
Our team of HRSC Representatives are happy to help you with:
- Direct Deposit
- Employee Transactions (ex: name changes, payroll deductions)
- HR Records management (ex: employment verification, W2 reprint)
- New Employee Set Up
- Paycheck Information
- Payroll Deadlines
- Tax Documentation
Robin Trainor, Director
Responsible for the timely and accurate processing of all transactions relating to the payroll and timekeeping operations of the University, while adhering to all internal guidelines as well as federal and state regulations.
The roots of Boston College lie in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the 2,000-year Catholic intellectual tradition, and the faith experience of St. Ignatius Loyola, who founded the Society of Jesus in 1540.
- Acceptable And Unacceptable Questions for Interviews
- Candidate Competencies Rating Sheet
- Competencies Questions
- Interviewing Compliance Guide for Managers
- Interview Guidelines Legislation
- Term appointed employee
- Termination/Separation Checklist for BC Staff
Manager FAQs
- Using MAJC
As a manager, you help shape the BC Culture and create an inclusive environment with your interactions with job candidates, as well as employees terminating from Boston College.
The Jewish Faculty, Staff, Administrators, and Allies affinity group at Boston College provides opportunities for all members of the BC campus community to learn about Judaism, celebrate Jewish holidays and cultural traditions, engage in open dialogue, and discuss current events. The group aims to create a supportive environment to build community while developing social, educational, and programmatic partnerships to raise awareness about the Jewish experience on campus.
An association of faculty, administrators, and staff that provides support and advocates for the LGBT community at BC. The acronym LGBT encompasses all gender identities and sexual orientations.
Visit the HR Google Site to view the labor agreements.
Boston College manages Labor Relations for union employees working for Facilities and BCPD. Employees covered under collective bargaining agreement should refer to their respective union contract for further information.
Latino/as at Boston College promotes the interests and advancement of the Latino community at BC, while honoring and celebrating the diversity of Latino culture and actively contributing to the enrichment of the University.
Fair Employment in Massachusetts
Massachusetts Laws and Orders on Harassment Prevention
Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law
EEO is the Law Poster Supplement - EEOC
EEO is the Law Poster Supplement - OFCCP
Pay Transparency Nondiscrimination Provision
Massachusetts Wage and Hour Laws
Employee Rights Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Employee Rights for Workers with Disabilities Paid at Special Minimum Wages
Employee Rights: Employee Polygraph Protection Act
Your Rights Under USERRA: the Uniformed Services Employment & Reemployment Rights Act
Notice of Employee Rights under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Job Safety & Health: It's the Law!
DOIA Workers' Compensation Self Insurer Notice to Employees (rev 06/01/2017)
DOIA Self-Insurer Certified License (rev 06/01/2017)
Massachusetts Earned Sick Time Law
Massachusetts Earned Sick Time Law - BC Q&A (rev 03/16/2016)
Massachusetts Parental Leave Act Fact Sheet | BC Parental Leave Policies
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Information on Employees’ Unemployment Insurance Coverage (rev 10/06/2015)
How to File a Claim for Unemployment Insurance Benefits (rev 06/2017)
Electronic Bulletin Board of Required State and Federal Workplace Posters
Jesuit mission
The Living out the Jesuit Mission program provides a welcoming space for employees of all backgrounds and faith traditions to share how they incorporate the Ignation tradition into their professional and personal lives.
The Lunch and Learn Diversity Series provides an informal, safe environment for faculty and staff to engage in conversations related to diversity while connecting with colleagues to foster an inclusive campus environment.
BC employees can enjoy a healthy lunch while learning about topics such as nutrition, fitness, and resilience.
Gain insight into the BC's current challenges and goals as well as future endeavors during presentations and dialogue with University leaders.
Create Position Access Request Form
Probation Evaluation Form for BC Staff
Form I-9 | U.S. Employment Eligibility Verification
Here you'll find the Hire Form, the Goal Tracking Worksheet and Departmental Time Log, the Create Position Access Request Form, and more.
Healthy You and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care offer meditation and mindfulness classes, which emphasize slowing down and uncritically focusing our attention on one thing at a time.
Gain a better perspective of the University through conversations with high profile members of the faculty, administration, and staff.
Middle-Eastern Employees and Allies promotes the welfare and interests of BC’s Middle-Eastern employees and advocates for the professional development and wellbeing of the University's Middle-Eastern community.
Boston College Bias-Related Incident Report Form
Reasonable Accommodation Request Form
Invitation to Self Identify for People with Disabilities
Invitation to Self Identify for Race/Ethnicity
Invitation to Self Identify for Veterans
Supports the University’s mission by promoting a culture that embraces diversity and inclusion for all members of the BC community. A community that truly values and fully utilizes its diversity creates a climate where a variety of perspectives can coexist and people thrive.
Direct Deposit Enrollment/Change Instructions
Foreign National Information Form
Form I-9 | U.S. Employment Eligibility Verification
Form M-4 | State of MA Tax Withholding
Form W-4 | Federal Income Tax Withholding
Payroll Deduction Instructions to 'Support BC'
Supplemental Payment Requisition
Access Direct Deposit Enrollment/Change Instructions, credit union forms, various tax forms (including the I-9 and W-4 forms), and the Citizenship Information Form.
Includes personal data forms and invitations to self identify.
Invest in your future at Boston College by taking advantage of professional development opportunities that go beyond your current role and job description.
Fidelity Investments 401(k) Enrollment Form
Fidelity Investments 403(b) Enrollment Form
Financial Planning Subsidy Application
40(k) and 403(b) Salary Reduction Agreement/Allocation Authorization
Covers 401(k) and 403(b) enrollment in addition to salary reduction agreements.
A two-day training program designed to help individuals reach their highest level of performance on a specific work-related goal or task.
Ready to quit smoking? Boston College, in partnership with Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, provides a host of resources and programs to help you.
Acts as a liaison between the administration and support staff, presenting proposals that would benefit employees from all areas of the University and working with Human Resources to promote employee development.
The policies evolved from several general premises:
- A person is either "primarily a student" or "primarily an employee," and it makes sense to keep "student-primacy" status separate and distinct from "employee-primacy" status.
- A person may not be on both the student payroll and the non-student payroll simultaneously.
- We want to avoid situations where two students are doing essentially the same work (e.g., department receptionist), but one is paid a "student job" rate while working next to another student hired through the Temp Pool who is receiving a higher rate.
- We do not want to compete against ourselves in seeking to fill positions.
- We do not want to be paying for benefits for our own students.
The following policy statements are intended to clarify the Human Resources' position with respect to certain "student vs employee" issues.
Sessions with TIAA are held via phone and video. To make an appointment call 1-800-732-8353 or schedule online.
schedule an appointment with TIAA
Sessions with FIDELITY are held via phone and Zoom. To make an appointment call 1-800-642-7131 and choose "Talk on the Phone with a Consultant" or schedule online.
schedule an appointment with FIDELITY
If you cannot keep a booked appointment, please call the relevant number above as soon as possible to let them know.
BC Faculty and Staff can schedule a one-on-one counseling session with representatives from TIAA and FIDELITY to discuss their retirement options.
Boston College attempts to maintain a safe environment free from exploitation and intimidation, as well as discrimination based upon gender, including sexual harassment.
Professional development
Black staff
Latina/o staff
Asian staff
Middle Eastern staff
Native American staff
The Affiliates Program enables Black, Latina/o, Asian, Middle Eastern, and Native American professional staff to enrich their professional skills and build connections with colleagues through professional development and mentorship opportunities.
Provides opportunities for Black, Latina/o, Asian, Middle Eastern, and Native American professional staff to enrich their professional skills and build connections with colleagues through professional development and mentoring.
Raises awareness of veterans' issues across campus and advocates for improved resources and services for Boston College students and staff who have served their country.
Independent optometrists bring state-of-the-art mobile vision centers to the BC campus where they provide comprehensive eye exams using the latest technology.
The Voices of Diversity and Inclusion Forum brings employees of all levels together in conversation about how to improve diversity and openness at Boston College. Through ongoing discussion, the Forum tackles current diversity challenges, uncovers opportunities for improvement, and brainstorms possible solutions.
Eligible employees can receive a free Fitbit by participating in a two-month team walking competition sponsored by the Healthy You program.
Harvard Pilgrim subscribers and their covered dependents can apply for reimbursement for qualified weight loss programs including Weight Watchers.
Access the HR Wiki to review:
- Kronos Payroll Deadlines
- Kronos Timekeeper
- Kronos FAQ
- Approver Form
Kronos is an online timekeeping system used by Boston College for our hourly and weekly employees.
Good Friday | ||||
Patriots’ Day | ||||
Memorial Day | ||||
Day Before Independence Day | ||||
Labor Day | ||||
Columbus Day | ||||
Thanksgiving Day | ||||
Day after Thanksgiving | ||||
Christmas - New Year Break | ||||
Martin Luther King Day | ||||
Good Friday | ||||
Patriots' Day |
The BC Holiday schedule is updated annually.
The PIC program is funded by the President's Office and administered by the Department of Human Resources. In addition to providing the students with valuable work experience, the program provides several educational workshops for the students, including Computer Skills and College Admissions information.
Summer Program
Students will provide clerical, computer, and general office support in many Boston College departments, including:
- AHANA Student Programs
- Athletics
- Athletics Facilities
- Bookstore
- Bureau of Conferences
- Office of Governmental and Community Affairs
- Facilities Services
- Human Resources
- Information Technology Services
- Learning to Learn
- Lynch School of Education
- Parking and Transportation
- Student Affairs - Residential Life
- University Advancement
For more information, e-mail
Since 1985, Boston College has participated in the Boston Private Industry Council's Job Collaborative Program. Each summer, Boston College hires high school students from Boston Public Schools to work in departments across Boston College's campus.
Works to increase the visibility of women's issues, challenges, and accomplishments while developing strategies to help women advance in their careers at Boston College.
Free yoga classes for employees of all skill levels are offered across the Brighton, Newton, and Chestnut Hill campuses. Mats and blocks are provided.