Boston College attempts at all times to maintain a safe environment that supports its educational mission and is free from exploitation and intimidation, as well as discrimination based upon gender, including sexual harassment. Sexual harassment or sexual misconduct of any kind is antithetical to the mission of Boston College and the values it espouses and will be responded to accordingly, whether a complaint involves allegations of sexual misconduct by faculty, staff, student, or a third party. The University strives to eliminate sexual harassment, prevent its occurrence, and address its effects.
In this regard, Boston College has several individuals who serve as Title IX coordinators. These individuals serve as resources for students, faculty, and staff within the Boston College community and oversee the University's response to Title IX complaints.
Faculty & Staff
University Title IX Coordinator
Patricia Lowe
Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Students
University Harassment Counselor
Marie Elena Gioiella
Confidential Resource Provider (CRP) For Faculty & Staff
Carole Hughes
Confidential Resource Provider (CRP) For Students
Claire Johnson
Community-Based Resources
Sexual Assault Crisis Services
Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC)
Provide free and confidential support services to students and employees, including crisis intervention, counseling, advocacy, information, and referral.
24-hour Hotline: 1-800-841-8371
Domestic Violence and RESPOND
Provides confidential support services to students and employees, including crisis intervention, counseling, advocacy, information, and referral.Support Line: 617-623-5900
Beyond Domestic Violence
REACH Beyond Domestic Violence
Provides comprehensive and confidential support services to students and employees, including crisis intervention, counseling, advocacy, information, and referral.Hotline: 1-800-899-4000
Boston College Resource and Policy Information
- Student Sexual Misconduct Policy
- Discriminatory Harassment Policy
- University Title IX Policy
- Discrimination-Grievance Policy
- Boston College Title IX Training Material
- Boston College Campus Sexual Violence Response and Prevention Program
- Sexual Misconduct Guide for Faculty & Staff
- Consensual Relationships Policy